Thursday, November 29, 2007

I win!!

Jacob and i went on a date to golf land, and it was so much fun!!! It was so freezing and poor Jacob was stuck at one hole for about 5 min. There was a kind of mote around one of the wholes and his ball kept going into the water! haha it was so sad, it happened like 13 times. He couldn't get it. He actually lost it. The last time he hit it so hard that it bounced of the ramp, hit the back wall, smacked me in the arm and disappeared... we seriously have no idea where it went. It was really funny. And the people behind us saw what had happened and had been picking up extra balls as they were going so they had an extra one. SO we got to keep playing. It was really funny. I took this picture the last time he hit it into the water before it vanished.

The same thing happened at grad night too... haha.

It was really cold outside so he couldn't feel his fingers at all once we were done. But it was still fun!!
And according to the title its sound like i won. But i really didn't he kicked my but!! even with that really long hole where he hit the ball 10 times and then lost it! Yes i know, im a loser... i honestly don't even know what my score was i stopped counting when he was like 10 lower than me! haha. After the date we went for ice cream. The loser had to pay. haha, so i lost so i payed. I had a blast!

1 comment:

Calliandra Rasmussen said...

I can't play goofy golf for the life of me! :]