I Got a ride with one of the girls at school with me. Her name it Halli and she is awesome, she is actually supposed to be in high school but was home schooled so she is at the community college now and she is a kick butt singer! Anywho, i drove down there with her, her mom, and her dad, and we stayed in a little condo! It was awesome! And they were SO kind. They didn't make my chip in, or even pay for my own food! They just kept saying "Oh no, it's our treat... It's on us. You are a great travel buddy!" So i didn't have to spend a penny! Which was a GREAT blessing because i don't have a penny! (seriously!) So we go to Tucson around 6:30 friday night, and my time slot to sing was at 7:30 and Halli's was at 8:30 (we weren't in the same division because she is younger, so we weren't competing against each other) We got to UofA at 7 and i warmed up with my pianist and then went and sang! I had so much fun! and i ran into a bunch of people from high school that i haven't seen in a couple years because they are all going to NAU... That was a treat for sure! Well, than I waited around and talked to them for a little while we waited for it to be Halli's turn... Then she sang. And then around 9:45ish we FINALLY got to eat dinner. (we ate at On The Border). Then went back to the condo and Halli and i were going to get into the Jacuzzi outside, but they closed at 11:00 and that's when we got home, so we missed out..... But.... We had a Jacuzzi tub so we put on our swim suits and put bubbles in there and just relaxed and jammed out to music! :)

Our Feet are black because we forgot to grab our flip flops and out feet were KILLING us from wearing out high heals... So they were NASTY black! haha her mom kept telling us we were going to get a disease! hahha
We kinda overflowed the tub with bubbles!! haha it started to over flow!
Well, Halli made finals and there were 18 people in her division and there were 22 in mine and we didn't have finals... which was kinda scary because that meant that they already knew who was going to get the awards and they didn't have to see anyone again.... And thats a lot of girls and so i hoped that i was one of the top! Well i had to wait until 2:30 to find out who won and it was a long day. I walked around the town a little bit and laughed and talked with old friends. Got a Jamba Juice and that had to hold me over till dinner. Well finals were at 12:00 and there was a master class that we to that went from 1:00-2:15 and and it was about auditioning and what to wear and how to act (and i'm really glad i went, it was a great learning experience). Then it was onto the awards! And the after show! I knew i didn't win because there were a butt load of people that have been actually TRAINING there voices for this, but i was hoping for something atleast!
Halli's devision was 3rd or 4th to be awarded, and she got 3rd!!! It was so exciting! Then it was my devision! and i got 4th! out of 22 without having finals! That's good! I was so happy! I didn't get money or anything i just got a piece of paper that says honorable mention... haha but still!
So even though it was a VERY LONG weekend it was well worth the experience! And because Halli placed she got to pick where we were going to eat, and she picked "Olive Garden!" It was more than delicious! Loved it!
SO it was a fun weekend! Hope everyones went as good as mine! :)