Sunday, November 11, 2007

Date Night! Ü

Jacob and i have been trying to plan a fun date night (since we're both so busy we have to schedule time to see each other)... So we had Friday night set... It really all started because i was having a not so great day and he was trying to help. So he says "Ok, i have the date figured out. We are going to go to the park, and eat dinner. Consisting of... whatever you choose from McDonald's." (i giggled. it was funny) then he said "with candle light..." (i laughed out loud and gave him a funny look and he said) "Ok... ix nay the candle light... then we will grab our Rollerblades, that we have already put in my car, and go roller blading! After having a great time together doing that, we will get the portable DVD player and watch a movie.... your choice." It made me smile from ear to ear haha he makes me so happy!
SO, Friday comes along, and we come to find out that the portable DVD player we were going to use has a happy new home with my sister in Virginia... So, Jacob grabbed the one from his house. anyway, I'm getting ahead of myself. He came over and we hung out with dad and Jonathan for a little bit, and then the night began. We went to McDonald's. I ordered my usual #10 the 6 piece chicken nuggets... and he basically ordered the whole menu.. haha. we got to freestone park (we decided that park would be most fun to go roller blading at) and ate our dinner, surprisingly enough he finished his food before me and helped me with mine. Then we put on our roller blades! And this is when all the fun pictures and videos came!

Well these first couple were before we left...
we were just being crazy! haha Isn't he so cute?! I like this Picture!
You can't tell, obviously, but he has his roller blades on right then...
he almost fell and looked at me and i took this picture.This is me being really cute!!
haha if you could really see my face you could really tell I'm lying!
My face looks so funny! haha

This is me attempting to skate backwards!!

and at the end of the little film i was doing really good and then i started going down hill backwards... and i wasn't ok with that!! Not at all! I couldn't even go forward! haha

So after all the fun and skating we went back to my house to watch the movie... I chose "I robot" because its a favorite!! I have to say this date was at the top of my favorite dates list... i am a little bias, seeing that this one was with my boyfriend... Ü

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