Sunday, October 28, 2007

Gilbert Rec-Center

Yesterday was so much fun! I did so much! First at about 2 o'clock, after my wonderful boyfriend cleaned our carpets, We went to the Gilbert rec-center and went rock climbing! It was so much fun! These are some pictures of Jacob, me, Brian, and Heather!

Then we went into the dance room, and i was teaching all of them how to do different dance moves. I haven't laughed that hard in a long time. Brian was the funniest because he was so serious when he did it and he looked the goofiest! haha. Then i taught them how to do cartwheels, because they didn't know how. And then last but not least i showed them i could do the worm, but i wasn't about to try to teach it! haha. I didn't take any pictures while we were dancing. we were having to much fun!

But i did take pictures of Brian and Jacob playing Ping-pong! haha It kind of reminded me of that "Balls of fury" movie, because they were playing to so intense! I wouldn't let either one of them sit to close, they were gross, sweaty, and stink! haha!
Yes this is Jacob diving for the ball! haha!

This is Brian Just chillin', you can see the ball in action!

They were serving behind their backs, and it was the funniest thing to watch, because they missed almost every time! Haha great times!

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