I'm pretty sure that i am about 10 blogs short!
Time has just gotten to it's feet and sprinted away! Wow these last couple weeks Have been very eventful!
One- I had an awesome visit from my elementary school friend Rachel Foster! It was freaking awesome! Actually it wasn't to me specifically it was just the fact that she was down from Ohio and stopped in to say hi to all of us. and i do mean all of us! It was the clan back from elementary school! Rachel Foster, Carrie Whiting, Arielle Tanner, Sarah Huish (now Hatch i believe) Ashley Johnson (soon to be Carton), and Me :). We got together at Ashley's house and had breakfast on a Friday Morning before we all had our crazy lives to get back to. But LOSER me forgot to take pictures! However i did get some from the night before when i ran over to Carrie's to say hi! Me and Carrie Danced! It was awesome!
Two- I went to the temple with a bunch of my Girlfriends to walk around look at temple lights!
(Don't worry a missionary took these... haha he couldn't stop laughing at us! We are beautiful what can i say?)
Three- One of my good friends came home from his mission! Actually two have come home! John Snyder and Jason Klingler! It's crazy how fast time has gone by!I told them to be ugly... and this is what i got... they need some practice!
Four- I had one of my best friends weddings. Allison Mackendrick... Well now it's Allison Griffin! She looked absolutely beautiful at her wedding! I was a bridesmaid and helped set up for the reception! I Didn't take very many pictures because I'm a loser. :) So I'll just do one of the happy couple! :)
Five- Me, Mom, Dad, and Jonathan all headed up to Idaho for Christmas! But first we had to stop by my Grandma's and My aunts in Utah to say Hi and play in the snow!
Six- Then We finally made it to Utah for a week long trip! It was so much fun seeing my nieces and my nephew! I loved every minute of it! I played in the Snow, got hooked on The Office! (don't worry me and Jonathan stayed up the last three nights we were there from 7 to about 2 watching it and getting caught up! I used to be a hater! and now i love it!) Played with my nieces, danced in our socks, laughed, played with puddy, and puppets, made Kynslee laugh! played in the snow some more! ate my sister-in-laws delicious food! gained 10 lbs, Had Christmas with the family, (we skyped dawn in on Christmas eve so she could be there but we didn't have Deanna... we were almost all together for Christmas!) ... opened up three presents consisting of an ipod Dock, head phones and my favorite... cereal from my grandma! watched the office some more and then we headed home for New years!
So i know i'm late but..... MERRY CHRISTMAS!! :)
Seven- one word... PARTY!
My Night involved...
-Taking ugly Pictures
-buying ice cream, cereal, and Apple Cider
-Going Ice Skating!
-Talking to at least 6 different cute guys (we were trying to be social)
-Jamming out to random music in the car
-Taking more Ugly pictures!
-excessive eating
-Apple Cider... my own bottle
-running up and down the street screaming "Happy New Year", banging on Pots, and blowing through noise makers! :)
-Jumping off the side of the sidewalk... (see pictures)
-Eating Rootbeer Floats
-eating popcorn
-and last but not least watching GHOST HUNTERS till 5! :)
Why dont we ever hang out like that anymore? :( Just because Im getting married doesnt mean I dont want to hang out with my girlfriends! Love you though, I sure am going to miss you when I move to Washington!
Hey SKANK!!!! (ps, my stomach totally looks like yours does in the last picture). Your pictures make me miss you. PLEASE MOVE UP HERE IN THE SUMMER!!!!!
Michelle! You look like you've been totally busy. Not gonna' lie- you've kinda' motivated me to update my blog. I've been slacking slightly in that department. We'll see when that motivation grows enough to actually turn into action though! Love you girlie!
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