Hello those who still read my blog.
(ps this is REALLY long... just for warning...)
Sorry it's been dwindling lately. I've been super duper crazy! With school and all my classes, trying to keep up, directing things for school, and also choreographing/directing the musical at Mesa High School! It's been so much fun! I love working with the kids. Yes sometimes they can be a little crazy and a little too much to handle, but over all i love it! It's my job since I'm thinking about it 24/7. I even have stupid dreams about how the levels are going to be and how they need to say a certain line, or act a certain way... I think i was cursed from my mom! Haha i guess you can say it's a great blessing and awesome talent! But i can't run from it. I always think about it :). But it's all good!
Anyway, i wanted to write what classes I'm taking... I know it's already a month or so into the new semester, but you'll get over it.... ok i first started with 22 credits... actually i think there was more but i dropped a class (or two). But once school actually started i had 23 credits! That is way too many for a normal person to have. I was taking:
MWF: 9:00- Intro to exceptional learners (this class taught me how to teach kids with disabilities). 10:00- was rhythm and music for dancers (It teaches dancers the language and music of the musician.... which i already know since I'm both. So it's a fun class) 11:00- Music Comedy (you sing musical theater songs... that's all, so it's not hard) 12:00- Dance perspectives (this is my honors class, and it's probably my hardest, just having to remember everything... it's basically
all dancing
all around the world... hence "dance perspectives") This is when i go home and eat some food, do some hw, and then at 3 i head to the school (mesa) to teach/choreograph... I'm done at 6 and head home to finish homework, and eat food, and then i relax like a vegetable and let my brain relax from the day :).
TTH: 9:00- Healthful Living (you learn about health... obviously, this one is kinda difficult too just because the subject is so broad...) 10:30-Jazz dance (FAVORITE CLASS) 12:30-private voice 1:30- SRO (it's a musical theater group that's at the college.... it's not that exciting, but for scholarship money i have to take it... so i am.) Then at 3 again i head to the school (mesa) and choreograph! (yay) Oh and i had a computer class that was online, but in reality i didn't have ANY time to sit down and figure out the class. SO i dropped it right away.
So i had all these classes and i was doing really good up until last week, it was impossible for me to do some of the assignments in my intro to exceptional learners class, so i had to drop it... :( i was so sad because that was one class i was really in to! But it's all good i can take it next sem...
OH and i'm taking HIP HOP!!! (on friday nights! haha another favorite!)
Ok so that's my school life, then i have a social life! (i know it's hard to believe! but start believing!) I have been going to a whole bunch of YSA activities with Tori, just because it's no fun being losers so we go to make new friends! Well we have made some, and they are really cute! (obviously they are boys) and they are super fun to hang out with. (and super cute) well... one of them asked me for my number (not saying names) and we've been trying to hang out, but i've been out of town, and crazy busy, but tonight we finally hung out! And it was so much fun!
He called me up and asked me if i wanted to go with him to Barnes and noble, because he had a gift card and needed to go so he could use it up. haha, long story short... we didn't find anything for him to buy, we just walked around making fun of books, talking about different types of books, and just talking about RANDOM things, and he showed me pictures from his mission, since there was this HUGE atlas. It was so much fun! I'm really out of the whole dating aspect of life, so it's fun to get into it, and feel cute and giddy :) Yes i'm super giddy... like a school girl! haha! I thought i would be really nervous, just because i had no idea what to say or how to act or react around him, since we haven't really hung out THAT much, but it was successful and awesome! Anyway, ya about the title... life going great! I'm loving every minute of it! :)